Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, November 28, 2022
My Face Will Be Known to You
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 20-03-2021 - 4:52 p.m.
This meeting of ours is shortly, everything will enter My heavenly dimension.
Your face will radiate with My own Light and your eyes will be like stars radiant with infinite light.
My mercy will now meet this faithless Humanity, I will bring them My grace if they convert to Me, I will open a new Earth for My children and with them I will dance and sing hymns of infinite love.
The hour has now come, beloved My creatures, My Face will be known to you, I will reveal My Greatness to you and you will know My All.
Into My Immensity you will enter and be as God created you, you will enjoy His infinite beauties, you will be taken into His Bosom forever, where your going will be in His Holiness.
God is the One Who created everything, He Is, no one is, apart from Him!
This world will be pierced, it will meet the great tribulation to be purified, after which it will have the Light of the Eternal Father, the Creator God.
These are the last moments of life on this Earth of sin, your God has already planned the opening of His new world: ... I will open the gates of the new City, from this Cave where all My children will enter, they will be in My charity and in My beauty they will be transformed.
Winter is past, sweet Spring is coming! Do not fear My children, do not fear for everything will pass quickly, the upheaval of nature will be brief for those who will have followed, loved, honored and served Me.
Have love, always love and charity among yourselves, share everything, and in My House you will enter, and enjoy all My possession.
The swallows will now arise and chirp with love at the arrival of the Virgin Bride of the Holy Spirit, Mary, Mother of Jesus and your Mother.
Here God's Plan in God will be fulfilled because God will put all things in order.
Pray, always pray the Holy Rosary, embrace Mary in you, with Her you will go to battle against Satan and be victorious in Me your God Love.
We will celebrate the new life together, God will celebrate with all His children, the Wedding of His beloved Son, the Only Begotten Jesus Christ, with all of you who will have loved Him as God asked to love.
Observe nature today as it is because soon everything will be different, you will enter the Enchantment of Love, you will know Love and enjoy Love, ... in His Garden of Infinite Love, you will be happy with Him.
I await all the realization of My last earthly Work, prepare yourselves My children, unite yourselves with Me so that love and freedom may triumph in you as children of God.
The Universe is eager to host you in its Whole, in the Immensity of God you will enter and enjoy the Beauty in Him! The Immense opens His Chest to you, shortly you will enter Him and be with Him forever. This is the last earthly Work, with this Work of Mine the old story ends and the new one opens in eternal love and charity.
Rejoice children of Zion, the King of kings is about to open His Heavens and descend to deliver you from Evil.
Amen! ...One heart, one soul! Victoria Est! God is with you!
The Holy Trinity blesses you.
Source: ➥